Agasyst: Farm Management Software Tool

Agasyst Scouting

  • False Codling Moth (FCM/FMS) monitoring (traps and fruit cutting)
  • Fruit Fly (FF) monitoring
  • Bactrocera dorsalis (BD) monitoring

Agasyst Imaging

Includes NDVI, NIR, and Moisture Maps. These will make it easier to identify problematic areas on the farm and make informed decisions for corrective action.


Agasyst iScout

Will improve staff management and assist in tracking data faster. This includes tracking scouts while they are moving through your orchards. All data generated is digital.

Agasyst Application

Data includes yield data, sampling data, products and equipment management, and tasks, to mention a few.


Agasyst: Farm Management Software Tool

Agasyst Scouting

  • False Codling Moth (FCM/FMS) monitoring (traps and fruit cutting)
  • Fruit Fly (FF) monitoring
  • Bactrocera dorsalis (BD) monitoring

Agasyst Imaging

Includes NDVI, NIR, and Moisture Maps. These will make it easier to identify problematic areas on the farm and make informed decisions for corrective action.


Agasyst iScout

Will improve staff management and assist in tracking data faster. This includes tracking scouts while they are moving through your orchards. All data generated is digital.

Agasyst Application

Data includes yield data, sampling data, products and equipment management, and tasks, to mention a few.


Bio-ag biological control solutions

As part of the holistic approach adopted by QMS FOODTECH, we can also provide our clients with beneficial insects to aid in the biological control of pests, such as citrus mealybug (CMB) and false codling moth (FCM).

As part of the holistic approach adopted by QMS FOODTECH, we can also provide our clients with beneficial insects to aid in the biological control of pests, such as citrus mealybug (CMB) and false codling moth (FCM).

Biological control involves the use of pests’ natural enemies – whether pathogens, parasites or predators – to control pest populations, ensuring that their population size does not increase beyond acceptable economic thresholds.  


There are many benefits to using biological control as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme. These include:

  • No chemical residue
  • No potential for resistance against beneficial insects
  • More environmentally friendly; and
  • Cost-effectiveness